Green Economy works with buyers and suppliers of low carbon products and services to improve access to the technologies and services that will facilitate the transition to net zero. We also work with local and regional policy makers to grow your local green economy.
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Lighting can account for up to 40% of a building’s electricity consumption, sometimes more if you’re an office-based business.
Making sure you use artificial lighting as efficiently as possible is therefore one of the lowest-hanging fruits in your energy-saving arsenal.
Here are several tips you can act on quickly, most at very little or no cost:
Consider a ‘last to leave’ switch-off policy at the end of the day (create reminders and promotional materials to raise awareness if needed). If you have banks of switches and it’s not immediately clear which ones relate to which lights, label them to make the process simpler.
Keep windows and skylights clean and unobstructed to minimise the need for artificial lighting during the day.
Are there non-working areas of the building where you don’t need lighting to be as bright and could therefore remove surplus bulbs, or areas where light could be more focused in specific places?
Examples include timers (e.g., to automatically turn off lights outside of operating hours), daylight sensors, or occupancy sensors that automatically switch off lights in areas of low traffic, such as toilets, storerooms and corridors.
LED lighting can use up to 90% less electricity than older lamps, and today’s energy prices mean they have a very quick return on investment – well within a year in most scenarios. LEDs can also improve light quality, creating a safer and more comfortable working environment.
The image below shows LED lighting at Bradley Manufacturing in Oldham - read the case study here.
If you are seeking a trusted, local supplier for installing energy-saving technologies, use our online marketplace.
This blog was originally published on the Bee Net Zero website.
Read our series of blogs to help you reduce energy in your business.
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