Green Economy delivers a range of training programmes that support the net zero ambition. 

Reduce carbon, improve competitiveness and save money.

Journey to net zero - your action plan for a profitable and sustainable business future.

Upskill your workforce, understand your net zero obligations and implement effective carbon reduction plans that will save your business money. Journey to Net Zero is an accredited level 3 course and attendees will become fully certified by successfully completing a virtual assessment.

Explore the course contents, schedule and booking information. 

Cut carbon, cut costs

Gain the tools & knowledge to optimise your business operations - from energy-efficient technologies to streamlined processes, learn how to reduce waste and increase efficiency and drive substantial cost savings, across four 90 minute workshops. 
Explore the course contents and booking information. 

Net Zero Peer Group

Solve the biggest sustainability challenges for businesses through peer-to-peer networking and applied design thinking. We're bringing together businesses to share knowledge and good practice, identify common experiences and formulate effective action plans on a specific area of your Net Zero journey. 

Sustainability Champions Network

The Sustainability Champions Network has been launched as a platform for businesses that are leading the way on sustainability to share lessons learned and best practice tips. This is a great opportunity for like-minded businesses to share knowledge and inspire others who want to learn and improve their own sustainable business practices. 

Grow your green tech and services business

Green Leaders

Drive profitability and business resilience with our Green Leaders workshops.

Through online, 90 minute workshops we will help you to unpick some of the biggest challenges for the growing green tech and services sector. With sessions on business growth and finance, marketing, leadership and sustainability we will help you to identify key strategies that will deliver optimum business performance. 

Green Tech Peer Network

Peer group learning works by bringing groups of business leaders together to find solutions to common challenges. You will have the opportunity to put your challenge or opportunity to the group and benefit from the experiences and skills of other leaders. This gives you fresh perspectives and new ideas to take back to your leadership team.  

Sessions will cover a reccurrent challenges or opportunities for the sector, including attracting, training and retaining talent, financing your growth, effective leadership and digital innovation.

To find out about our next cohort fill in the enquiry form below and we'll be in touch. 


Join the next training cohort

Explore our events calendar to find out dates and venues for confirmed training sessions.