Green Economy works with buyers and suppliers of low carbon products and services to improve access to the technologies and services that will facilitate the transition to net zero. We also work with local and regional policy makers to grow your local green economy.
Green Intelligence, powered by Green Economy, has been keeping businesses in the know since 2013. With the latest environmental legislation and sector news, along with market intelligence and thought leadership from green business experts, we are here to help you navigate the complex and fast paced green economy.
‘Energy Management For Energy Intensive Firms’ is a new white paper for companies that want to decarbonise without sacrificing productivity, laying bare the realities of the net zero challenge while examining the opportunities available to businesses.
The paper was developed by Green Economy and its partner, The Pilot Group, takes an in-depth approach to navigating the Net Zero landscape, with insights from business leaders within manufacturing and engineering, with actionable advice to help other businesses get started.
Green Economy supports corporate decarbonisation through onsite carbon footprinting, business advice, training as well as funding and procurement support.
Explore our services and get in touch to speak to one of our specialist advisors. Find out more