Green Economy works with buyers and suppliers of low carbon products and services to improve access to the technologies and services that will facilitate the transition to net zero. We also work with local and regional policy makers to grow your local green economy.
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Green Economy has been appointed by City of York Council (CYC) to provide business support which will enable 100 local businesses to decarbonise through carbon reduction planning, specialist support and access to green technologies and sensors which will provide live data on energy consumption.
Green Economy, part of the Growth Company, has been commissioned by CYC as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund Levelling Up project to support local business growth.
The unique programme will provide clients with an onsite carbon reduction review and personalised decarbonisation plan, with dedicated support from a sustainability business advisor. In addition, a selection of businesses will join a pilot energy monitoring programme, where sensors will be installed onsite to monitor their electricity use over a three-month period. The sensors will be provided by Oak Network, along with access to their digital tool which measures energy consumption, providing live visual data with operational improvement recommendations to businesses.
Councillor Pete Kilbane, Executive Member for Transport and Economy, welcomed the partnership between CYC and Green Economy, saying:
“Decarbonising the business sector is one of the most important ways in which York can achieve its goal of being a carbon-net zero city by 2030. That’s why we’ve made building a greener local economy one of our top priorities in our plan for the next four years, One City for All.
“We also know that businesses across the city are facing tough financial circumstances as we head into another winter with energy prices at very high levels. I’d encourage York’s businesses, big or small, to register their interest for this programme to explore how monitoring their energy consumption and working with expert advisors to reduce this can bring their costs down in the long term.
“I’m looking forward to seeing the results of this exciting and important investment for the climate, our city, and our business community.”
The programme will provide businesses with sensors, measuring energy consumption and providing live visual data with operational improvement recommendations.
Amy House, Director of Green Economy said:
“We are delighted that City of York Council have trusted Green Economy as a key partner in supporting their net zero strategy. Decarbonising the local business base is an essential way to meet this local challenge, whilst also building resilience amongst businesses by reducing their operating costs and increasing their competitiveness when winning and retaining customers.
“We are especially excited to partner with Oak Network to offer innovative technologies to meet the carbon challenge, and I look forward to seeing local businesses reducing energy use and saving on their energy bills. This is an example of the importance of investing in sustainable growth, for the benefit of the local community and businesses.”
York based businesses can find out more information on the website or can register their interest here.
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No matter the size of your operation, there are a range of low and no cost solutions to reducing your energy consumption and save your business money.
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