A recent poll of current MPs shows 94 per cent support the net zero by 2050 target, but many are misinformed on the technologies that aim to deliver this.

However, appetite for environmental progress and sustainable development among MPs needs to be coupled with an understanding as to how this can be most effectively delivered. Most notably, surveyed MPs unveiled a significant knowledge gap when it comes to hydrogen and its application in a green economy.

The poll was carried out by YouGov on behalf of the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit. According to the poll, around 31 per cent of Labour MPs (and 27 per cent of all MPs) thought “hydrogen can play a significant role in heating homes in the future.” A smaller 19 per cent of Labour MPs believe that “hydrogen can play a niche role in heating homes in the future.” This mindset contracts significantly with what experts are saying about hydrogen, claiming it is not the solution to home decarbonisation.

Further knowledge gaps were uncovered with EVs. Just over two fifths (42 per cent) of MPs that the total ownership costs of an EV are higher than a petrol car, despite rigorous analysis having shown that petrol car drivers are paying a £700 petrol premium. What’s more, (39 per cent of surveyed MPs thought the UK’s grid will be unable to cope with demand caused by an EV shift. The National Grid has denied these claims, dismissing them as a “myth.”

Overall, the drive for net zero is clear among MPs, but the knowledge gaps for key green technologies need to be plugged to ensure an impactful and efficient transition.

Are voters leaning green?

As for the voters’ perspective, 76 per cent of those who said they’d vote in local elections support the Government’s net zero targets, with 69 per cent of the public as a whole supporting this. It’s no surprise that of all the voters surveyed, Green Party voters were the most supporting of government net zero policies, and Reform UK voters were the least supportive.

As for the industries considered to have the most economic growth potential by voters, renewable energy and clean technology tops the table, with 27 per cent seeing it as the top sector, followed by construction, hospitality, and healthcare.  

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