Sustainability champions

Inspiring sustainable business practice

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Wind Turbine Gettyimages 1306849663

The Sustainability Champions Network has been launched as a platform for businesses that are leading the way in sustainability to share lessons learned and best practice tips. This is a great opportunity for like-minded businesses to share knowledge and inspire others who want to learn and improve their own sustainable business strategies. 

The Network will run a series of Champions events which will include inspiring talks from sustainable business leaders and site tours highlighting sustainability projects and green technologies. 
Delegates will hear first-hand accounts from the Champions' personal experience on their sustainability journey and participate in group discussions to share learning and experiences. 

Reasons to join: 

  • Get valuable insight from local business leaders 
  • Share experiences and best practice tips 
  • Learn how to overcome challenges 
  • Get advice on planning your long-term sustainability strategy 
  • Access support from Green Economy's Sustainability & Net Zero Consultants  

Join the Sustainability Champions Network – receive exclusive email updates and invitations to champions events. 
Would you also be interested in hosting an event and/or speaking about your business’s sustainability journey? Fill out this form.


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